
We appreciate your support in sending your child to school in the school uniform.
The following is recommended: -
Boys: Grey trousers, school sweatshirt, school polo shirt and grey socks. For special occasions boys are encouraged to wear a white shirt and school tie.
Girls: Grey skirt, pinafore or navy trousers, school sweatshirt, school polo shirt and grey or white socks. For special occasions girls are encouraged to wear a white blouse and school tie. The school waterproof fleece may be worn by both boys and girls.
In P1-P2 black slip-on gym shoes are required for P.E. These are normally kept in school in a PE bag on his/her coat hook.
In addition to PE shoes, P3-P7 pupils will require a white polo shirt/tee shirt and navy shorts which they will keep in a PE bag in school. Please feel free to ask your child to bring home their PE kit whenever you feel it may need washed, but remember to return it promptly in time for the next PE lesson.
All items of uniform are available from Gordons the Jeanery, 10a Green Street, CARRICKFERGUS, BT38 7DT. Telephone: 028 93 351246. (On the Marine Highway) and from Squarewear NI https://www.squarewearni.co.uk/home
Ballycarry Primary School, Hillhead Road, Ballycarry, Carrickfergus BT38 9HE | Phone: 028 9335 3706